Modern digital movie cameras are equipped with ultra-high resolution sensors... and most often this leads to the fact that the skin tones and spots of your subject become razor sharp! Now you can fight this with our beauty retouching toolkit! Previously, you had to spend $1,000 on this and outsource the "Retouching" of post offices or use expensive and clumsy third-party plugins for this... but now you have the opportunity to do it directly in your editing timeline. The best thing is that it can be a service/sales boost for all your customers right now to earn extra money on your changes and productions.
Detailed Product Information:
+ 5 Presets
+ Various Strengths (Simple/Selective/Heavy)
+ Built to work in Adobe Premiere and Davinci Resolve
+ (.prfset & .drx) file formats
+ Includes 2 Tutorials
+ Examples included in each preset
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